Date of Incident: August 24, 2017

Name of Company: Carolina Polo

Code: Horse/Mule Related

Summons 1 issued for violation of Section 29-212(g)(4) – allowing Amigo to return to service after a rectal temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Summons 2 issued for violation of Section29-212(e) (4) – allowing a 4-minute break between back to back tours.

Summons 3 issued for violation of 29-212 (G)(2) – allowing a horse to go on tour without first taking a rectal temperature and logging it into official records.

Summons 4 issued for violation of Section 29-212(G)(2) – allowing a horse to go on tour without first taking a rectal temperature and logging it into official records.

Summons 5 issued for violation of Section 29-212(G)(2) – Allowing a horse to go on tour without first taking rectal temperature and logging it into official records.