
ISSUE #2: HEAVIEST LOAD in the U.S<\/h2><\/div>

17 Adult Passengers including Driver<\/h3><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>

EXTREME LOAD<\/h2><\/div>

Background: Since Disney World has now instituted cruel passenger tram pulled by a horse, it appears that even more than 17 passengers are being carted around there.<\/p>\n

You need look no further than the Carriage Industry\u2019s statements today to realize that these animals need our advocacy. Apparently, the industry would be fine with a 1500 pound animal pulling 34 passengers \u2014 approximately 8,000 pounds (4 Tons) \u2014 despite the fact that that is against the law.<\/p>\n

**City of Charleston Ordinance**<\/strong><\/p>\n