Dear Mayor Tecklenburg:

What an utterly unnecessary and extreme embarrassment for you, the City of Charleston, the Tourism Department, and the Industry that poor Abbapoola (pulling a wagon load of tourists) slipped and fell on an icy area of Market Street on January 2, 2018.  Clearly, not an auspicious start for a new year with that as headline news at the local, state and national level and all over Facebook.  People are even raising concerns for all of the working horses/mules in this frigid weather and whether they are properly blanketed and sheltered from the freezing rain and snow. Do you know if this is being done? Please check and confirm.

One would hope that now excessive caution and prudence will be used to check and monitor carefully the street conditions for the next 3-4 days before allowing the working animals on the streets.  While the snow and ice may melt during the day, with overnight temperatures in the 20’s, much will freeze overnight.  Even daytime temperatures, if near freezing, may cause icing over. Shaded areas of streets are likely to take longer to clear. It has snowed/sleeted in Charleston before and there is no excuse for this negligence.  

Clearly the City staff individual(s) assigned to checking the safety of the street conditions on Tuesday morning was exceedingly negligent in her (their) duties which resulted in poor Abbapoola slipping and falling. It would seem the Industry relies only on the City. Perhaps the Tourism Department manager, should walk and check each carriage route street before allowing that route to be opened.  If daytime temperatures are near freezing then the streets need to checked throughout the day. One would hope you two have already has a conversation about acknowledging failure and accepting responsibility.

As recalled in looking at the City organization chart, the Tourism Department reports directly to you.  That makes you where Harry’s “buck stops”.

Again, as always,we would appreciate a personal response from you.


Charleston Carriage Horse Advocates

Cc: Rick Jerue