Date of Incident: December 21, 2019

Name of Company: Classic Carriage Company

Code: Horse/Mule Related

While on tour, a carriage wagon driver pulled to the side to let cars go by. The horse stepped on one side of a manhole cover and the cover flipped up in the air. The horse’s back right leg fell down in the hole where it got stuck. The driver “stayed in the horse’s mouth with the bit to try to help him to leap up which the horse miraculously did with only 3 feet.” Then the front left wheel of the carriage fell into the hole and some tourists helped lift the wheel out of the hole and the driver was able to pull the horse over and wait for the police. A vet was called. The horse had multiple superficial lacerations on right hind leg and was walking well with 1.5/5 lameness noted. There was mild swelling to the stifle and there were multiple abrasions. The vet treated and bandaged the horse and made recommendations for further treatment by barn staff. The horse was not to work for several days